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temporian.EventSet.rename #

    features: Optional[
        Union[str, Dict[str, str], List[str]]
    ] = None,
    indexes: Optional[
        Union[str, Dict[str, str], List[str]]
    ] = None,
) -> EventSetOrNode

Renames an EventSet's features and index.

If the input has a single feature, then the features can be a single string with the new name.

If the input has multiple features, then features can either be (1) a dictionary mapping old names to the new names, or (2) a list of new names of the same size as evtset.schema.feature_names().

The indexes renaming follows the same criteria, accepting a single string, a mapping, or a list.

Usage example
>>> a = tp.event_set(
...    timestamps=[0, 1],
...    features={"f1": [0, 2], "f2": [5, 6]}
... )
>>> b = 5 * a

>>> # Rename single feature
>>> b_1 = b["f1"].rename("f1_result")
>>> b_1
indexes: []
features: [('f1_result', int64)]
    (2 events):
        timestamps: [0. 1.]
        'f1_result': [ 0 10]

>>> # Rename multiple features with a dictionary
>>> b_rename = b.rename({"f1": "5xf1", "f2": "5xf2"})
>>> b_rename
indexes: []
features: [('5xf1', int64), ('5xf2', int64)]
    (2 events):
        timestamps: [0. 1.]
        '5xf1': [ 0 10]
        '5xf2': [25 30]

>>> # Rename multiple features with a list
>>> b_rename = b.rename(["5xf1", "5xf2"])
>>> b_rename
indexes: []
features: [('5xf1', int64), ('5xf2', int64)]
    (2 events):
        timestamps: [0. 1.]
        '5xf1': [ 0 10]
        '5xf2': [25 30]


Name Type Description Default
features Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str], List[str]]]

New feature name or mapping from old names to new names.

indexes Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str], List[str]]]

New index name or mapping from old names to new names.



Type Description

EventSet with renamed features and index.