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temporian.types #

Types used throughout the API.

EventSetCollection module-attribute #

EventSetCollection = Union[
    EventSet, List[EventSet], Dict[str, EventSet]

A collection of EventSets.

This can be a single EventSet, a list of EventSets, or a dictionary mapping names to EventSets.

EventSetNodeCollection module-attribute #

EventSetNodeCollection = Union[
    Dict[str, EventSetNode],

A collection of EventSetNodes.

This can be a single EventSetNode, a list or set of EventSetNodes, or a dictionary mapping names to EventSetNodes.

EventSetOrNode module-attribute #

EventSetOrNode = TypeVar(

Generic type for an EventSet or EventSetNode.

Mainly used to define the input and output types of operators and Temporian functions.

A function typed as f(a: EventSetOrNode, ...) -> EventSetOrNode indicates that the function receives either EventSets or EventSetNodes as input, and returns that same type as output. In other words, f(evset) returns an EventSet, and f(node) returns an EventSetNode.

IndexKey module-attribute #

IndexKey = Union[Tuple[IndexKeyItem, ...], IndexKeyItem]

An index key is a tuple of values that identifies a single time sequence inside an EventSet.

If, for example, your EventSet is indexed by "name" and "number", with the values on those being ["Mark", "Sarah"] and [1, 2, 3] respectively, the possible index keys would be ("Mark", 1), ("Mark", 2), ("Mark", 3), ("Sarah", 1), ("Sarah", 2), and ("Sarah", 3).

An index key can take the form of a single value (e.g. "Mark") if it is being used with an EventSet with a single index. In this case, using "Mark" is equivalent to using ("Mark",).

IndexKeyItem module-attribute #

IndexKeyItem = Union[int, str, bytes]

One of the values inside an IndexKey.

IndexKeyList module-attribute #

IndexKeyList = Union[IndexKey, List[IndexKey]]

A list of IndexKeys.

Auxiliary type to allow receiving a single IndexKey or a list of IndexKeys.

If receiving a single IndexKey, it is equivalent to receiving a list with a single IndexKey.

MapFunction module-attribute #

MapFunction = Union[
    Callable[[Any], Scalar],
    Callable[[Any, MapExtras], Scalar],

A function that maps an EventSet's value to another value.

The function must receive the original value and optionally a MapExtras object, which includes additional information about the value's position in the EventSet, and return the new value.

NodeToEventSetMapping module-attribute #

NodeToEventSetMapping = Union[
    Dict[EventSetNode, EventSet], EventSet, List[EventSet]

A mapping of EventSetNodes to EventSets.

If a dictionary, the mapping is defined by it.

If a single EventSet or a list of EventSets, each EventSet is mapped to their own node using EventSet.node(), i.e., [evset] is equivalent to {evset.node() : evset}.

WindowLength module-attribute #

WindowLength = Union[Duration, EventSetOrNode]

Window length of a moving window operator.

A window length can be either constant or variable.

A constant window length is specified with a Duration. For example, window_length=5.0 or window_length=tp.duration.days(4).

A variable window length is specified with an EventSet containing a single float64 feature. This EventSet can have the same sampling as the input EventSet or a different one, in which case the output will have the same sampling as the window_length EventSet. In both cases the feature value on each timestamp will dictate the length of the window in that timestamp.

If an EventSet, it should contain strictly positive values. If receiving 0, negative values, or missing values, the operator will treat the window as empty.

MapExtras dataclass #

Object containing information about a value's position in an EventSet.


Name Type Description
index_key IndexKey

The index the value belongs to.

timestamp float

The timestamp of the value's event.

feature_name str

The name of the feature the value belongs to.